this one’s really fun if you’re into setting things on fire and one that was incorporated into inner you retreat during the cacao cermony - my gosh, it was so powerful and freeing, i know the inner you retreat babes will vouch for this too.
make a list of all of the things that you are currently letting go of and see if you can get to the root belief that’s creating the experiences/patterns that you are letting go of.
write those beliefs down on a sheet of paper, and once you’re done, ceremoniously set it on fire to REALLY let it go. the key is to not think about what was on that list anymore once you’re done.
*side note - make sure you do it safely. this is easy for this time of year, throw the paper into a wood fire that keeps the house warm or bonfire/fire bucket or if its hot where you are, I burn my paper over a sink
love + light